Amateur Ham Radio
Education • Science & Tech • Preparedness
Amateur (Ham) Radio is an international goodwill technical hobby enjoyed by licensed radio communication enthusiasts that use radio spectrum to communicate locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally by shortwave, satellites, moon-bounce, and other methods of propagation.
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March 31, 2022
Demonstration of Olivia HF Digital Mode

Check out this demonstration of using FLDigi software to work with the Olivia digital communications keyboard-to-keyboard mode used in the amateur radio service (by ham radio operators), primarily on shortwave frequencies.

See more details regarding Olivia:

Olivia MFSK is an amateur radioteletype protocol designed to work in difficult (low signal-to-noise ratio plus multipath propagation conditions on shortwave bands. The signal can still be properly copied when it is buried 10 dB below the noise floor (i.e. when the amplitude of the noise is just over 3 times that of the signal). It is commonly used by amateur radio operators to reliably transmit ASCII characters over noisy channels using the high frequency (3-30 MHz, HF) spectrum.

Olivia modes are commonly referred to as Olivia X / Y (or, alternatively, Olivia Y / X ), where X refers to the number of different audio tones transmitted and Y refers to the bandwidth in hertz ...

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April 27, 2023
Happy International Morse Code Day (April 27)

Morse Code Day on April 27 (every year) honors one of the inventers of the Morse code, Samuel Morse, who was born on this day in 1791.

Samuel Finley Breese Morse (April 27, 1791 – April 2, 1872) was an American inventor and painter. After having established his reputation as a portrait painter, in his middle age Morse contributed to the invention of a single-wire telegraph system based on European telegraphs. He was a co-developer of Morse code and helped to develop the commercial use of telegraphy.

Alfred Vail developed the dot-dash structure and Leonard Gale along with Vail was instrumental in developing the mechanical receiving apparatus for code.

Samuel Morse though gets most of the credit because of his work in promoting this code as a viable means of communication, that is still used now. Amateur radio is one of the communities in which Morse code is popular and in daily use.

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March 27, 2023
I Am Back!

I used to post amateur radio videos to my YouTube channel, but then life got in the way. Well, I'm coming back to it.

I posted my new, latest video to YouTube:

#hamr #hamradio #amatradio #amateurradio #amateur #ham #radio #videos #youtube #youtuber #YouTubers #hobby #kitten #cat #feline #pet

August 18, 2022
Hams In The Air project

I just finished version 1, revision 1, of the Hams in the Air (HITA) logo/patch. I'll be launching the new website, very soon.

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